Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Random extracts from Social Media & PR Convention

Random items from the Social Media and PR Convention, Sydney:
  • "Never blog in anger" - Mark Jones
  • "Don't get it right, get it written" Dr Colin McLeod, AFL GM Marketing
  • “Hard to hide if the MD is not the nicest person in the world; a risk the board has to take into account” " - Mark Pesce
  • "Who needs referees? Just go to my linkedin site" - Sheryle Moon
  • "Do not sue a site or blog that attacks you - if you close the site down you will end up having to put out spot fires in a dozen other places. At least the attack is contained" -- Laurel Papworth
  • "I don't consider IAG to be an ethical company, on balance" -- Chris Hire
  • A blog gives you permission to be as boring as you like -- Sam Roggeveen, The Interpreter, Lowy Institute

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