When the alleged Victorian bushfire arsonist was outed with his photograph published on Facebook and numerous blog posts, did the social network and possibly the self-publishers breach a court order that prevents media discussing the case? Should social networks be subject to the same conditions as other media publishers and broadcasters? Read the rest of the post at: http://www.e-channel.com.au/blog/2009/03/23/trial-by-social-media-hanson-et-al/
Shameless self promotion is un-Australian but I reckon we need to get over it. I've just spent some time in the US and it's like talking a different language: everyone who sells anything online, namely anyone with a website, seems to know why they need proactive SEO (eg, to be first page in Google organic search) and SEM (eg, google adwords). But I talk to many companies here in Australia and there is a profound suspicion of what is widely regarded as a 'black art'. People don't want to pay someone else to do it because they suspect they could do it for themselves - but then they never find the time. Get it straight - SEO, SEM and constantly updating your online content are no longer optional. If you want to survive the recession, invest a larger proportion on SEO, SEM, and social media - the only promotion you can really control. That means talking yourself up online at every opportunity. Shamelessly self promoting.
As a journalist, worked for Australian Consolidated Press (ACP), Fairfax Magazines, JB Fairfax, Reader's Digest, News Ltd; Toronto Star; Thomson Publishing (London), IPC Magazines (London). Set up NewsMaker.com.au to give anyone, anywhere freedom to use web publicity tools.