Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Trial by Social Media - Hanson et al

When the alleged Victorian bushfire arsonist was outed with his photograph published on Facebook and numerous blog posts, did the social network and possibly the self-publishers breach a court order that prevents media discussing the case? Should social networks be subject to the same conditions as other media publishers and broadcasters? Read the rest of the post at:


Murfomurf said...

I think it should be illegal for the photo in the social media- it's media! No matter my opinion of the law and the way it is policed on other issues, it's currently the law and should be enforced. The person may well be innocent- WE are NOT empowered to make the decision.

BuzzTart said...

I agree totally - mud sticks, i'm all for the wild west pioneering spirit of social media, but not the lynchings! (sorry so long to respond - need to blog more!)